Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chasing Dreams

There will always come a point in our lives that our reasons to pursue our dreams get blurry and we start to be complacent towards that dream. We give up and we lose heart. We let go of the passion that drove us to pursue such. All of us have these tendecies.

Lately, I've been into some disappointments that caused me to stop and reflect for quite some time if what I've already started really worth the sacrifice, the time, the effort and the discouragements maybe. If those things are really meant for me?

This is what I get upon reflecting things.. a dream has to be bigger than us for it to be worthy to be called as dream. You need to pursue it and be desperate about it. You need to have a hundred and one percent of passion enough to fight disappointments, enough to stand all over again in the midst of failures and y0u need to be willing to respect the process. I believe that God purposely planted in our hearts desires that connects us to our personal callings. Our Purpose.

Today, I'm saying Yes to my dreams again. Fully aware that there's no assurance that everything will go smooth and well. I might fall again, but in the perfect grace of God, I will rise. Today, I promise to respect the process and grow through it.

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