Monday, March 12, 2012

When We Start Comparing

As imperfect as we are, we'll always have that tendency not to agree with what God is doing and there might come a point in our lives that we'll feel bad about Him. We start to feel bad and lose our faith and even question Him. 

Jeremiah was not an exception to this. Considering that he was chosen by God to be His mouthpiece, he was least expected to feel this way. But Jeremiah started to doubt God when he mentioned this :

Why does the way of the wicked prosper? 

Why do all the faithless live at ease?

You are always on their lips 
but far from their hearts. 
You have planted them and they have taken root 
they grow and bear fruit.

(Jeremiah 12: 1-2)

A question filled with doubt unexpectedly expressed from a prophet like him. 

When did Jeremiah started to feel bad? When Jeremiah started to compare. When he saw that the wicked people around Him is still experiencing blessings inspite of their unworthiness. And He was disappointed with God because of that. He forgot that God's way will always be higher than ours.

Comparison will always cause insecurity, jealousy and many other feelings we never want to feel. So instead of looking to the right or to the left, look up, straight to Him. You'll never go wrong in doing so. (:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It is when...

Life gives us so many reason to feel down, to frown, be discouraged, get mad and all but on the brighter side, life gives us a thousand more reason to celebrate. It's just a matter of choice and perspective.

This past few days has been so tiring and stressful that I almost forgot to appreciate things around me. Then everything started to be ordinary if not irritating. Everything seemed to be offensive. Burdens increased and sensitivity leveled up. At the end of the day, I know I always got choice.

From this, I learned that life is indeed a teaser. It will tease you until you give in or you stand up. It will hit you whether you're ready or not, guarded or unguarded. You give in - you loose. You stand up and make right decisions it will tease you even more. 

That is why, keeping a good perspective is one of the best choice we could do in life. It's when we wake up every morning and choose to be happy no matter what. It's when we laugh out loud over our foolish mistakes instead of feeling down. It's when we stop for a while and gaze up to the sky in rush moments. It's when we love even more inspite of imperfections. It's when we understand even it's complicated. It's when we go out to our comfort zone and still feel confident and secure. It's when we forgive others in treating us the way we don't deserve. It's when we choose to hold on to our passion even in discouragements. And above all, it's when we trust God in everything.

Blessed Sunday everyone :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chasing Dreams

There will always come a point in our lives that our reasons to pursue our dreams get blurry and we start to be complacent towards that dream. We give up and we lose heart. We let go of the passion that drove us to pursue such. All of us have these tendecies.

Lately, I've been into some disappointments that caused me to stop and reflect for quite some time if what I've already started really worth the sacrifice, the time, the effort and the discouragements maybe. If those things are really meant for me?

This is what I get upon reflecting things.. a dream has to be bigger than us for it to be worthy to be called as dream. You need to pursue it and be desperate about it. You need to have a hundred and one percent of passion enough to fight disappointments, enough to stand all over again in the midst of failures and y0u need to be willing to respect the process. I believe that God purposely planted in our hearts desires that connects us to our personal callings. Our Purpose.

Today, I'm saying Yes to my dreams again. Fully aware that there's no assurance that everything will go smooth and well. I might fall again, but in the perfect grace of God, I will rise. Today, I promise to respect the process and grow through it.